



 现为澳门第一娱乐娱城官网“云亭青年教授”硕士研究生导师,中国逻辑学会非经典逻辑与计算专业委员会常务委员,中国人工智能学会粒计算与知识发现专业委员会委员、人工智能基础专业委员会通讯委员,甘肃省数学与统计学基础学科研究中心学术骨干。目前,担任 SCI检索国际期刊 《Computational and Applied Mathematics》与《Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems》副主编及国际期刊《Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Modeling in Engineering》副编委。


 研究方向为信息技术与不确定性的数学理论与方法,主要从事信息聚合、模糊逻辑、粗糙集、三支决策及多值拓扑的研究。已在SCI检索刊物《Fuzzy Sets and Systems》、《IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems》、《Information Sciences》、《International Journal of Approximate Reasoning》、《Soft Computing》及《Artificial Intelligence Review》等上发表学术论文40 余篇,其中多篇发表在SCI一区刊物上。现主持在研国家自然科学基金地区科学基金1 项,主持完成国家自然科学基金青年科学基金1 项,甘肃省青年科技基金计划项目1 项,中国博士后科学基金面上项目二等1 项,澳门第一娱乐娱城官网青年教师科研能力提升计划项目1 项; 参与在研国家自然科学基金地区科学基金1 项,完成甘肃省高等学校科研项目1 项。




  1.  主持国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目 (62166037,2022-01-01~2025-12-31);

  2.  主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(11901465,2020-01-01 ~ 2022-12-31);

  3.  主持甘肃省科学技术厅青年科技基金计划项目 (20JR10RA101,2021-02-01~2023-01-31)

  4.  主持中国博士后科学基金面上项目二等资助 (2021M692561,2021.06.09~2022.06.31)

  5.  主持澳门第一娱乐娱城官网青年教师科研能力提升计划项目(NWNU-LKQN-18-28,2019-01-01 ~ 2021-12-31);

  6.  参与国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目(61967014,2020-01-01 ~ 2023-12-31);

  7.  参与国家自然科学基金面上项目(11371265,2014-01-01 ~ 2017-12-31);

  8.  参与甘肃省教育厅高等学校创新基金项目 (2020A-009,2020-01-01 ~ 2022-12-31).


  1. Junsheng Qiao,D-overlap functions: Construction, characterization and ordinal sum representation.Information Sciences 627 (2023) 1–19. (SCI收录, 中科院1top, IF: 8.233, CCF推荐B类期刊)

  2. Junsheng Qiao, Set-based extended quasi-overlap functions. Information Sciences625 (2023) 367–384. (SCI收录, 中科院1top, IF: 8.233, CCF推荐B类期刊)

  3. Junsheng Qiao, Extension constructions of quasi-overlap functions and their derivative concepts on function spaces. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 152 (2023) 198–220. (SCI收录, 中科院2, IF: 4.452,中国数学会推荐T2类期刊, CCF推荐B类期刊)

  4. Junsheng Qiao, Bin Zhao, On α-cross-migrativity of overlap (0-overlap) functions. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 30 (2022) 448–461. (SCI收录中科院一区top, IF: 12.253, CCF 推荐B 类期刊)

  5. Junsheng Qiao, On discrete quasi-overlap functions, Information Sciences 584 (2022) 603–617. (SCI收录, 中科院1top, IF: 8.233, CCF推荐B类期刊)

  6. Junsheng Qiao, New extensions of quasi-overlap functions and their generalized forms on bounded posets via ♦-operators, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 439 (2022) 29–54. (SCI收录中科院二区top, IF: 4.462, 中国数学会推荐T3类期刊, CCF推荐C类期刊)

  7. Junsheng Qiao, Constructions of quasi-overlap functions and their generalized forms on bounded partially ordered sets, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 446 (2022) 68–92. (SCI收录中科院二区top, IF: 4.462, 中国数学会推荐T3类期刊, CCF推荐C类期刊)

  8. Kuanyun Zhu, Xiangxiang Zeng, and Junsheng Qiao. On the cross-migrativity between uninorms and overlap (grouping) functions. Fuzzy Sets and Systems451 (2022) 113–129. (SCI收录中科院二区top, IF: 4.462, 中国数学会推荐T3类期刊, CCF推荐C类期刊)

  9. Zihang Jia, Junsheng Qiao, Extension operators for type-2 fuzzy sets derived from overlap functions. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 451 ( 2022) 130–156. (SCI收录中科院二区top, IF: 4.462, 中国数学会推荐T3类期刊, CCF推荐C类期刊)

  10. Zihang Jia, Junsheng Qiao, New constructions of decision evaluation functions in three-way decision spaces based on uninorms. Artificial Intelligence Review (2022), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-022-10316-z. (SCI收录中科院2, IF: 9.588)

  11. Junsheng Qiao,Discrete overlap functions: Basic properties and constructions. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning149 (2022) 161–177. (SCI收录, 中科院2, IF: 4.452,中国数学会推荐T2类期刊, CCF推荐B类期刊)

  12. Junsheng Qiao,RO-implications induced from CL-overlap functions on complete lattices, Soft Computing26 (2022) 8229–8243. (SCI收录中科院三区, IF: 3.732, CCF 推荐C 类期刊)

  13. Junsheng Qiao,Directional monotonic fuzzy implication functions induced from directional increasing quasi-grouping functions, Computational and Applied Mathematics 41 (2022) 1–16. (SCI收录中科院四区, IF: 2.998)

  14. Junsheng Qiao,Restricted equivalence functions induced from fuzzy implication functions.Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (2022), https://doi.org/10.22111/IJFS.2022.7304. (SCI收录中科院4, IF: 2.01)

  15. Nana Han, Junsheng Qiao, On (GO, O)-fuzzy rough sets derived from overlap and grouping functions, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 43 (2022) 3173–3187. (SCI收录中科院四区, IF: 1.737)

  16. Junsheng Qiaoand Bin Zhao, IGN -implications induced from quasi-grouping functions and negations on bounded lattices, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 30 (2022) 925–949. (SCI收录中科院四区, IF: 1.027, CCF 推荐C 类期刊)

  17. Junsheng Qiao, Overlap and grouping functions on complete lattices, Information Sciences 542 (2021) 406-424. (SCI收录, 中科院1top, IF: 8.233, CCF推荐B类期刊)

  18. Junsheng Qiao, On (IO, O)-fuzzy rough sets based on overlap functions, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 132 (2021) 26-48. (SCI收录, 中科院2, IF: 4.452,中国数学会推荐T2类期刊, CCF推荐B类期刊)

  19. Junsheng Qiao, Zengtai Gong, On -(quasi-)overlap functions, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 29 (2021) 3178-3185. (SCI收录中科院一区top, IF: 12.253, CCF 推荐B 类期刊)

  20. Junsheng Qiao, On the reflective and coreflective subcategory of stratified L-Čech closure spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems390 (2020) 105–117.(SCI收录中科院二区top, IF: 4.462, 中国数学会推荐T3类期刊, CCF推荐C类期刊)

  21. Junsheng Qiao, Bao Qing Hu, On decision evaluation functions in generalized three-way decision spaces, Information Sciences 507 (2020) 733-754.(SCI收录, 中科院1top, IF: 8.233, CCF推荐B类期刊)

  22. Zihang Jia, Junsheng Qiao, On decision evaluation functions in three-way decision spaces derived from overlap and grouping functions, Soft Computing 24 (2020) 15159-15178. (SCI收录中科院三区, IF: 3.732, CCF 推荐C 类期刊)

  23. Yexing Dan, Bao Qing Hu, Junsheng Qiao, General L-fuzzy aggregation functions based on complete residuated lattices, Soft Computing 24 (2020) 3087-3112. (SCI收录中科院三区, IF: 3.732, CCF 推荐C 类期刊)

  24. Yexing Dan, Bao Qing Hu, Junsheng Qiao, New construction of t-norms and t-conorms on bounded lattices, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 395 (2020) 40-70. (SCI收录中科院二区top, IF: 4.462, 中国数学会推荐T3类期刊, CCF推荐C类期刊)

  25. Junsheng Qiao, On distributive laws of uninorms over overlap and grouping functions, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 27 (2019) 2279 - 2292. (SCI收录中科院一区top, IF: 12.253, CCF 推荐B 类期刊)

  26. Junsheng Qiao, Hesitant relations: Novel properties and applications in three-way decisions, Information Sciences 497 (2019) 165-188. (SCI收录, 中科院1top, IF: 8.233, CCF推荐B类期刊)

  27. Junsheng Qiao, On binary relations induced from overlap and grouping functions, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning106 (2019) 155-171. (SCI收录, 中科院2, IF: 4.452,中国数学会推荐T2类期刊, CCF推荐B类期刊)

  28. Junsheng Qiao, Bao Qing Hu, On homogeneous, quasi-homogeneous and pseudo-homogeneous overlap and grouping functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 357 (2019) 58-90. (SCI收录中科院二区top, IF: 4.462, 中国数学会推荐T3类期刊, CCF推荐C类期刊)

  29. Junsheng Qiao, Bao Qing Hu, On generalized migrativity property for overlap functions,Fuzzy Sets and Systems 357 (2019) 91-116. (SCI收录中科院二区top, IF: 4.462, 中国数学会推荐T3类期刊, CCF推荐C类期刊)

  30. Yexing Dan, Bao Qing Hu, Junsheng Qiao, Some results on the degree of symmetry of fuzzy relations,Fuzzy Sets and Systems360 (2019) 1-32. (SCI收录中科院二区top, IF: 4.462, 中国数学会推荐T3类期刊, CCF推荐C类期刊)

  31. Yexing Dan, Bao Qing Hu, Junsheng Qiao, New constructions of uninorms on bounded lattices, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 110 (2019) 185-209. (SCI收录, 中科院2, IF: 4.452,中国数学会推荐T2类期刊, CCF推荐B类期刊)

  32. Bin Yang, Bao Qing Hu, Junsheng Qiao, Three-way decisions with rough membership functions in covering approximation space, Fundamenta Informaticae165 (2019) 157–191. (SCI收录中科院四区, IF: 1.333, CCF 推荐C 类期刊)

  33. Junsheng Qiao, Bao Qing Hu, On multiplicative generators of overlap and grouping functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 332 (2018) 1–24. (SCI收录中科院二区top, IF: 4.462, 中国数学会推荐T3类期刊, CCF推荐C类期刊)

  34. Junsheng Qiao, Bao Qing Hu, On (, &)-fuzzy rough sets based on residuated and co-residuated lattices, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 336 (2018) 54–86. (SCI收录中科院二区top, IF: 4.462, 中国数学会推荐T3类期刊, CCF推荐C类期刊)

  35. Junsheng Qiao, Bao Qing Hu, Granular variable precision L-fuzzy rough sets based on residuated lattices, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 336 (2018) 148–166. (SCI收录中科院二区top, IF: 4.462, 中国数学会推荐T3类期刊, CCF推荐C类期刊)

  36. Junsheng Qiao, Bao Qing Hu, On the migrativity of uninorms and nullnorms over overlap and grouping functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 346 (2018) 1-54. (SCI收录中科院二区top, IF: 4.462, 中国数学会推荐T3类期刊, CCF推荐C类期刊)

  37. Junsheng Qiao, Bao Qing Hu, On the distributive laws of fuzzy implication functions over additively generated overlap and grouping functions, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 26 (2018) 2421-2433. (SCI收录中科院一区top, IF: 12.253,  CCF 推荐B 类期刊)

  38. Junsheng Qiao, Bao Qing Hu, On transformations from semi-three-way decision spaces to three-way decision spaces based on triangular norms and triangular conorms, Information Sciences 432 (2018) 22-51. (SCI收录, 中科院1top, IF: 8.233, CCF推荐B类期刊)

  39. Junsheng Qiao, Bao Qing Hu,The distributive laws of fuzzy implications over overlap and grouping functions, Information Sciences 438 (2018) 107-126. (SCI收录, 中科院1top, IF: 8.233, CCF推荐B类期刊)

  40. Meng Cao, Bao Qing Hu, Junsheng Qiao, On interval (G, N)-implications and (O, G, N)-implications derived from interval overlap and grouping functions, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 100 (2018) 135-160. (SCI收录, 中科院2, IF: 4.452,中国数学会推荐T2类期刊, CCF推荐B类期刊)

  41. Junsheng Qiao, Bao Qing Hu, A short note on L-fuzzy approximation spaces and L-fuzzy pretopological spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems312 (2017) 126-134. (SCI收录中科院二区top, IF: 4.462, 中国数学会推荐T3类期刊, CCF推荐C类期刊)

  42. Junsheng Qiao, Bao Qing Hu, On interval additive generators of interval overlap functions and interval grouping functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 323 (2017) 19-55. (SCI收录中科院二区top, IF: 4.462, 中国数学会推荐T3类期刊, CCF推荐C类期刊)

  43.  乔军胜关于-余拓扑空间的特殊化序的一点注记模糊系统与数学 29 (2015) 37-43. (中国数学会推荐T3类期刊)


1. 韩希,何一心,金志达,“高教社杯”全国大学生数学建模竞赛,甘肃赛区本科组特等奖 全国二等奖,甘肃省教育厅 中国工业与应用数学学会,2022.

2. 李腾彪,胡佳,唐燕龙,“中国光谷·华为杯”中国研究生数学建模竞赛,全国二等奖,2022.

3. 王一丁,李曦,张恒超等,第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛甘肃省分赛高教主赛道金奖,,甘肃省教育厅,2022.

4. 李腾彪,胡佳,唐燕龙,2022年(第八届)全国大学生统计建模大赛,甘肃赛区研究生组二等奖,中国统计教育学会,2022.

5. 马宇光,马小梅,钱玉珍,2022年(第八届)全国大学生统计建模大赛,甘肃赛区本科生组二等奖,中国统计教育学会,2022.

6. 王一丁,李曦,刘锷,第十五届“西门子杯”中国智能制造挑战赛,全国初赛 西部三赛区三等奖,2021.

7. 贾梓航,第十三届“挑战杯”甘肃省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛,一等奖,甘肃省教育厅 甘肃省科学技术协会,2021.

8. 杨昕,剡姚霞,张晓敏,“高教社杯”全国大学生数学建模竞赛,甘肃赛区本科组二等奖,甘肃省教育厅 中国工业与应用数学学会,2021.

9. 侯瑞瑶,黄山峰,杨岚婷,“高教社杯”全国大学生数学建模竞赛,甘肃赛区本科组二等奖,甘肃省教育厅 中国工业与应用数学学会,2021.

10. 王一丁,李曦,胡喆,“高教社杯”全国大学生数学建模竞赛,甘肃赛区本科组特等奖 全国二等奖,甘肃省教育厅 中国工业与应用数学学会,2020.

11. 李晓格,魏莉杰,何春贵,夏彬彬,第十二届“挑战杯”甘肃省大学生创业计划竞赛,铜奖,甘肃省教育厅 甘肃省科学技术协会,2020.
